2018. december 29., szombat

List of gratitudes - 2018

In the last few years, I try to sum up my year on my birthday. This is the advantage, when you are born in a day, when everyone is in holidays and big parties are not really possible. I'm using this day for reflecting on my passed year: goods and bads, results, failures and what happened with me and the world around myself. 

2018 was one of those "big" years, although I was lucky enough to have a "big" event in my life almost every year in the last six years. This year in politics was unbearable in Romania and in the world too  and I'm sure the next year will be similar too. We need lot of self-defense techniques to survive the global world and the smaller enviroment's negative powers, but also to create a better world. 

This year was a paradigmatic one in my own small world too: new job, new city and lot of amazing things I experienced, which for I'm very grateful.

Here is my list of gratitudes for 2018:

- I'm grateful for my relatively good health

- grateful for my family who supported me in April-May when I decided to leave Cluj
- grateful for my old and amazing new friends from Budapest: great inspirations for me all of them
- thankful for my new job at the University of Sibiu: a dream I was hoping for since years 
- thankful for my summer (Sziget festival too)
- grateful for finding an amazing flat in Sibiu in a historical environment
- thankful for some of my friends in Sibiu who helps me a lot to accommodate in a new world
- grateful for finishing and publishing in Oxford the results of my 5 years long PhD 
-thankful for my most amazing Serbian friends who made it possible to participate on the Limeskongress this year - a really beautiful memory of late summer
- thankful for my colleagues and new friends from Szeged, where I will have a new research project next year.

This year was a "big" one for me. I hope, next year will be about stability, personal, spiritual awarness and evolution of all of us. A year of preparation for some bigger, more important steps on personal and on community scales too.  Maybe even on global scales too...

Wish you all a beautiful new year in 2019!

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